I am assuming most everyone has heard this line from the movie Jerry Maguire.. The professional football player wanting his sports agent to show him the money on his next contract. Of course when figuring out worth of an athlete so much depends on production, value and skills that a player possesses. Ultimately not every professional football player is created equal or possesses the same value and skills.
This is also true in the value of a fur pelt. In today’s fur market most goods are at their lowest levels in quite some time. However the western heavy coyote is sustaining high prices for the last several years. High demand of the finest coyote fur is the reason. However not every western heavy coyote will bring top dollar; as not every coyote has the same qualities
Here are a few things that separate high dollar coyotes from average dollar coyotes.
Big skins provide manufacturers with the best value when purchasing high dollar goods.
Heavy underfur and long guard hair is wanted as it makes the end product look full and desirable.
Color is another characteristic that figures into the value of a pelt. I use the term “Silver and Silky”.
Coyotes taken in “Primetime” will be worth the most. Early skins and late skins take a hit in dollars.
Some things that downgrade a coyote pelt.
Missing fur
Rubbed flanks and rumps
Excessive blood
Overly big holes
Early or late fur
When trapping or hunting coyotes it is impossible to only trap or shoot the “TOP COYOTES”.
But it is possible with a few extra steps to help with preserving the fur until you decide to sell.
The process all starts in the field. Here are a few tips for preserving the value of a coyote pelt.
Avoid dragging coyotes. Sometimes when hunting it might not be reasonable with all the gear to get them back to the pickup any other way other than dragging. But the potential of ripping out guard hairs and introducing more burs to the fur is a risk.
Cool the carcass down quickly. The easiest is to have a freezer but I realize not everyone has a freezer on standby to store carcass fur. The next best scenario is freezing temperatures and hanging by the back legs.
Minimize blood. It can be hard especially when hunting coyotes. But with trapping avoid dispatching in the head. The head has many blood vessels and they will bleed it seems like forever. I find behind the front shoulder is a very good location.
Sell to your fur buyer quickly. The longer the carcass coyote hangs the more chances of damage from various things like freeze/thaw conditions and rodents.
Take care of your fur and the fur buyer will "Show you the MONEY"!!!
Until next time...